Friday, April 5, 2019

Door decals

Here is an interesting item for anyone's front door but especially for the doors of those with memory problems.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Salemtowne Life

I am building a new blog 'Salemtowne Life' to provide information and tips to those interested in moving to a CCRC and to Salemtowne Towne Club members, new residents, and current residents, and to document what it's like living in a CCRC.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Tag sale

I was walking around inside the retirement center complex today when I noticed clothing laid out on tables in the craft room for a tag sale. I said, “Look at all the old, ugly, outdated dresses.” Then I noticed a side on the door that said: “Please don’t bother the clothing in this room.” So I said to the clothes “Sorry I bothered you,” and continued my walk.