Sunday, March 24, 2019

Tag sale

I was walking around inside the retirement center complex today when I noticed clothing laid out on tables in the craft room for a tag sale. I said, “Look at all the old, ugly, outdated dresses.” Then I noticed a side on the door that said: “Please don’t bother the clothing in this room.” So I said to the clothes “Sorry I bothered you,” and continued my walk.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Set your tempo

Workout to music? Here's a way to get in sync. Count how many times one foot hits the ground in a minute and double it to get your stride rate. Then find a song with a similar number of beats per minute, (bpm). You can search for tracks organized by bpm on the website; use the Spotify app that matches your songs to your tempo, or use the Weav Run app that reengineers your favorite songs to match your tempo.